Talos, a giant, the last of the men of bronze, who kept watch over the
Island of Crete; by one branch of tradition he is known as the father of
Talus, nephew of Daedalus, murdered by his uncle, who was jealous of his
great skill and craftsmanship
Talthybius of Sparta, an Argive herald
Tantalides, the name by which the descendants of Tantalus were known
Tantalus, son of Zeus and friend of the gods, to whom he served his own
son Pelops; his punishment was to suffer eternal thirst, hunger, and the fear of
Tantalus, son of Niobe and Amphion, killed by Apollo
Tantalus, son of Thyestes, killed by his uncle Atreus and served to
Thyestes at a banquet
Tecmessa, daughter of Teuthras, paramour of Ajax the Great, mother of
Telamon, father of Ajax the Great, one of the Argonauts
Telemachus, son of Odysseus and Penelope, who went in search of his
father and helped him slay his mother's suitors on his return
Telemus, son of Eurymus, the seer who foretold that Polyphemus would be
blinded by Odysseus
Telephus, son of Heracles and Auge, king of Mysia, father of Eurypalus
Temenus, son of Aristomachus, one of the descendants of Heracles
Termerus, a giant who killed all travellers by running at them with his
forehead; Heracles destroyed him
Teucer, son of the river-god Scamander, first king of the Troad after
whom its inhabitants were called Teucrians
Teucer, half brother of Ajax the Great, son of Telamon and Hesione, one
of the great Argive heroes of the Troyan war
Teuthrantius, half brother of Telephus, killed by Ajax
Teuthras, king of Phrygia, father of Tecmessa
Thalpius, one of the leaders of the Elians before Troy
Thanatos see Death
Theano, sister of Hecuba, wife of Antenor
Themis, daughter of Uranus and Gaea, the goddess of Justice
Theoclymenus, a seer, son of Polypheides, taken to Ithaca by Telemachus
Thermodoa, an Amazon, killed by Meriones
Thersander, son of Polynices and Argia, one of the Epigoni
Thersites, the ugliest man in the Argive host, loud-mouthed and
quarrelsome; reproved and beaten by Odysseus and finally killed by Achilles
Theseus, son of Aegeus and Aethra, descended from Erechtheus and Pelops;
king of Athens, husband of Phaedra, father of Hippolytus
Thesprotus, son of Lycaon, king of Epirus
Thessalus, son of Jason and Medea
Thetis, daughter of Nereus, wife of Peleus, mother of Achilles
Thoas, king of Lemnos, father of Hypsipyle
Thoas, son of Andraemon, of Aetolia, one of the Argive leaders in the
Troyan war
Thoas, a Troyan, killed by Menelaus
Thoas, king of the Tauri
Thoon, a Troyan, killed by Antilochus
Thootes, an Argive herald, 418
Thrasydemus, friend and charioteer of Sarpedon, killed by Patroclus
Thrasymedes, son of Nestor and Anaxibia, brother of Antilochus
Thyestes, son of Pelops and Hippodamia, brother of Atreus, father of
Thymoetes, one of the Trojan elders
Tiphys, helmsman of the Argo
Tiresias, blind Theban seer, son of Eueres and Chariclo, father of Manto
Tisamenus, son of Orestes and Hermione
Tisander, youngest son of Jason and Medea
Titans, six sons and six daughters of Uranus and Gaea, imprisoned in
Tithonus, father of Memnon
Tityus, son of Zeus and Elare, punished for violating Latona by having
vultures tear at his liver
Tlepolemus, ruler of Rhodes, son of Heracles
Toxaechmes, friend of Philoetetes, killed by Aeneas
Triton, sea-god, father of Pallas
Troilus, youngest son of Priam and Hecuba, killed by Achilles
Tros, son of Erichthonius and Astyoche, father of Ilos
Tros, a Trojan, son of Alastor, killed by Achilles
Tydeus, son of Oeneus, father of Diomedes, one of the Seven against
Tyndareus, husband of Leda, father of Castor and Polydeuces and
Tyndaridae, the name given to Castor and Polydeuces, the two sons of
Tyndareus and Leda; also known as the Dioscuri, one branch of tradition
referring to them as the sons of Zeus
Typhoeus, youngest son of Tartarus and Gaea
Typhon, identical with Typhoeus, father of the Nemean lion, the Lernean
Hydra, the Chimaera, the Sphinx, and other monsters, by Echidna